Peer Support Study for Postpartum Depression
Last night I got to thinking about postpartum depression and my passion for helping others with it and to get the conversation started so we can break the stigma associated with it.
I began to think of all the things I wish I had when I was going through PPD and thinking of the things that I did have that seemed to work. Something jumped out at me…..Peer Support.
There needs to be more opportunities for new mothers to have peer support. Support groups specifically for PPD. A safe place for moms to unload, where they can bring their babies to do so. They need to be able to have a number or email of another person so they can have someone to communicate with in between meetings.
I did not have a group like this. I wish I did. I did have a wonderful online community though with the birth of my 2nd and 4th child. Those are the births that I didn’t have much PPD with. (I did injest my placenta though with #4)
I’m sure I’ll be posting more thoughts on this over time.
I found many studies that showed the importance of what I’m talking about. Here is a link to one. I’ll post more another time.